There is so much beauty in people
Our Network
We will operate primarily in the United States (Western and Southern regions), with a significant presence in Canada, Central America and Europe, and additional initiatives in other regions around the world. Our growing network of select participating communities, organizations and inviduals in the operating environments is depicted on the maps below.

19+ Think Tanks/Makerspaces/Artists’ Studios;
26+ Costume, Fashion/Textile Museums/ Centers;
8+ Art Vehicle Museums & Centers
33+ Carnivals;
12+ Art/Mutant Vehicles Festivals & Shows
57+ Burning Man (BM) & BM Regionals;
30+ Expressive Arts/Community-Oriented Events
10+ Halloween(-like) Celebrations;
11+ Post-Apocalyptic/Steampunk/Cyberpunk Events;
24+ Gender/Sexual Plurality Events
15+ Theatres;
18+ Circuses/Acrobats/Hoop, Fire & Flow Arts Events
24+ Cosplay/Furry Fandom/LARP Communities;
21+ Renaissance/Medieval/Reenactment Fairs